


Cargo is a Romanian Heavy Metal band from Timisoara, founded by the guitarist Adrian Barar in 1985. 

Two of the current members are from Arad - Adrian Igrisan (vocals) and Octavian Pilan (drums), one is from Hunedoara - Cristian Pup (keyboards) and another one is from Deva- Alin Achim (bass guitar) - but they are all settled in Timisoara. After many changes in the band's lineup, it finally reached stability in 1995: Adrian Barar (guitar/vocals), Ovidiu "Kempes" Ioncu (vocals), Adrian Igrisan (guitar/vocals), Cristian Pup (keyboards), Alin Achim (bass guitar) and Tavi Pilan (drums). With this lineup they released the majority of their albums: "Povestiri din gara" (Tales from the Train Station) (1992), "Destin" (Destiny) (1995), "Ziua vrajitoarelor" (Day of the Witches) (1998), and also the album "Cargo si Corala Teofora - Colinde si obiceiuri de iarna" (Cargo and Corala Teofora - Carols and Winter Customs) (1996). Both Ovidiu Ioncu (1995) and Adrian Igrisan (2001) suffered grave injuries in motorcycle accidents. Ioncu's accident was an opportunity for vocalist Adrian Igrisan to temporarily replace him. The year 2003 held new surprises for the band: Cargo was preparing to celebrate its 18 year anniversary with the release of a new album. Unfortunately, the band's plans have taken an unexpected turn: the vocalist (Ioncu) suddenly abandoned the band and moved permanently to Australia. The members decided to go on and have Igrisan replace him as a singer. Their latest album, "Spiritus Sanctus", had been released at the Children's Palace in Bucharest. They plan to release soon a "Best of" album with re-recorded tracks.

Cargo este o trupa romaneasca de rock, fondata de chitaristul Adrian Barar in 1985. Trupa ia fiinta la Timisoara in 1985, in formula: Carol Bleich (baterie), Octavian Iepan (chitara), Tibi Gajdo (chitara bass), Dinel Tollea (clape), Nae Ionel Tarnotzi (voce) si Adrian Bărar (chitara).
Dupa mai multe schimbari de componenta si inregistrari care nu vor fi lansate niciodata, Leo Iorga este cooptat ca solist, in timp ce trupa incepe sa cante prin tara. In anul 1989, Compact il imprumuta pe Iorga pentru un turneu in U.R.S.S. si ramane definitiv la Compact. Cargo, care il foloseau pe Mircea Nedelcu ca inlocuitor temporar, organizeaza un concurs pentru postul de vocalist, fiind descoperit astfel Ovidiu Ioncu, poreclit "Kempes", care venea de la o trupa mica din Arad.
Sustin un turneu pe litoral in anul 1989, unde compun cateva piese, apoi in 1990 in Iugoslavia si Franta, unde inregistreaza, alaturi de Raul Dudnic la bass si Adrian Popescu la chitara-armonie, o mare parte din materialul muzical ce urma sa devina primul lor disc. Gazdele au editat un disc single continand piesele "Ana" si "Doi prieteni". in locul lui Kocsef la baterie a fost adus aradeanul Octavian Pilan de la trupa Pacific.

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